Monday, January 16, 2012

Find What Motivates You

Sometimes in life we lose sight of our goals, our passions...and we begin to question why we are doing what we are doing and think negatively. This happens more often then we think to you, to me, to everyone. Can't deny it...some days are not as good as others. But, it is important sometimes to step back, reflect, and think of why we do what we do...what drives us...what are our goals. If our motivation is totally lost then we need to seek outside advice...we need to dig deep within ourselves to discover what makes us motivated or how can we become re-motivated. We need to find the real essence to what we have passion for and never lose sight...sometimes there are ups and downs, and during the downs we must keep our head up and stick it through...there is a reason for everything and a plan for all of us...just need to trust it. Something I learned from a close friend is every morning write down 5 things that you are...begin by writing, "I am...' followed by something positive about yourself. Put these 5 things on a note card and carry with you in your pocket throughout the day to help remind yourself why YOU are awesome!

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