Friday, December 30, 2011

Paleo Challenge

I have been about 80-85% following the paleo diet. On Monday, January 2nd, myself and many others from CrossFit FTF will be doing a month long paleo challenge. I will keep everyone updated about how each day is going. I have bought three cook books to help prepare myself to be better at eating paleo. Also I think having support from others will help keep me on track. Keep checking back!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Next Best Thing

After having a lunch date with a former professor from grad school and a good friend of mine, the idea of whats next in life was brought up. The idea about working on the "Next best thing." Not worry so much about the future, but working on the small things, the next best thing. My good friend and I took this to heart as now we meet every week for 2-3 hours to work on the next best thing in our life. Him and I have been talking about writing a book for a year now...and now we are starting on it...this is the next best thing for us because it is our experience and expertise on fitness and performance training. It is also just good that we make the time to sit and "talk shop," really keeping a open mind set and growing and learning each and every day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What I think CrossFit is...

CrossFit is a core strength and conditioning program which goals are to improve work capacity across broad time and modal domains. CrossFit is constantly varied, high-intensity, and focuses on functional movement. What does that all mean? CrossFit trains you for the unknown, just like life. We cannot predict what life throws at us and CrossFit can help you become better prepared for the unknown situations. CrossFit only teaches functional movements; natural movements of our body. No more bicep curls or leg extensions because we do not actually use these movements in life. For example, if you are parent, what do you do often with your child? You pick him or her up (deadlift), hold them over head when you play with them (push press), or run around the back yard (cardio). Do you ever feel exhausted after you play with your kids? CrossFit can help you become stronger, faster, more efficient, healthier, etc.
CrossFit is fun! It takes different realms of fitness such as weightlifting, gymnastics, metabolic conditioning (cardio), rowing, biking, swimming, etc. and puts it all together. You will learn to use your body in ways you thought was impossible. You will become less prone to injury because technique is taught and emphasized more than how fast or heavy you can go. It is for everyone…and we mean everyone! CrossFit is a family…when you do not show up to the gym…we will call and ask about you. We care.

What is Elite Performance?

My definition of elite is not a traditional one. Elite performance is when an athlete performs to the best of their job is to focus on the athlete and their abilities..I do not train my athletes to be better then others...I do not compare my athletes with others...I train my athletes to push and discover their elite performance...I don't train to the competition...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Myth about CrossFit

There has been a lot of articles and talk in the fitness world about CrossFit. The biggest thing is that it is dangerous and that you are going to get hurt from doing those lifts, doing that many reps, going that deep in squat, etc.

Let me think for a moment....I have trained in multiple different fitness philosophies and here is the true hard fact....YES you could get hurt because you are physically moving. The thing is if you move you could possibly get hurt...walking to your car...running...playing sports, etc. If you are moving there are possible exposure to injuries...but CrossFit doesn't automatically mean injury. In my opinion CrossFit is an injury prevention program because we teach technique over weight...full range of motion to insure prevention of injury. If you walk into a CrossFit gym and you see ugly technique...injuries here and there....that is not CrossFit's fault...that is the coaches in the gym. It is important that the coaches in CrossFit have the correct certifications and educational my opinion. At my gym we teach technique over weight...we don't care who you are or what your fitness experience is...if your technique sucks...take the weight the bar...or do the PVC pipe...technique, technique, technique!! My favorite quote for a CrossFit gym..."Leave your ego at the door." So before you believe anything you read or hear, walk into a CrossFit gym and watch a class...ask questions. I think you will be very surprised at what you see!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not Letting It Get to Me

I had a wonderful opportunity approach me recently. I was very excited for this opportunity, it would have been life changing. In the end, it didn't go as well as I had planned, again still life changing. I am very appreciative for the opportunity that was given to me because I grew a lot from it. I learned something new about my self, I gave myself feedback, I reflected and I moved forward a better person. Whether you believe this or not, we are put on this world for a purpose...some will look for a long time for their purpose...but once you have discovered what your purpose is, you must go for it. I have found why I have spent many years in school...many hours...many sacrifices...challenges...moments of growth...I am going to take my purpose and excel. I am a coach...I help others succeed...I train others to be better than be better then their perception of themselves. That is what I do.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Failure is Not an Option

We as a society are afraid to fail...why? There is no such thing as failure. Life is all about how you perceive events. If you look at something as a failure, then yes you have failed. When opportunities do not go your way, look at them as learning opportunities. My mentor in grad school, Dr. Jenelle N. Gilbert, was a huge believer of this process. She made me and others a strong believer as well. There is no mistakes, only learning opportunity. It is important to look at events that do not go your way as a way to learn and progress. Reflect on the situation and take the feedback to make yourself a better person. Again, don't dwell on the things you can not control...I understand this may be more tough for some then others...once you learn to really change your mind set; everything else seems to be a 'breeze.' Remember failing is not an option because you never become better.

Monday, September 26, 2011

SMART Goals: Helping You Achieve Success

People always tell me they have goals that they want to accomplish in their performance domain, but have a hard time achieving their goals. There are many reasons for people not achieving their goals, some look to far down the road at their end goals, others do not know how to set up successful goals, some set unrealistic goals, and some just need others to help them stay focus on their goals. This blog is going to teach one method of goal setting that I do with my athletes. I am going to teach you how to set SMART goals. This is a very common method that people use to set goals.
SMART stands for: Specific (do not make broad goals, be narrow, be detailed); Measurable (be able to track your goals and “see” that they are being achieved); Adjustable (you cannot control life, things happen, be ready for the unpredictable, be willing to adjust to things, don’t stress!); Realistic (be honest with yourself, baby steps, if you shoot to high, you might become discouraged and unhappy); Timely (usually I set this for my athletes and I would say 3 months is a good time for setting long term goals; sometimes if you set to far in the future, you lose sight of your goals; and in 3 months if you have not fully achieved your end goal, that is okay).
Also when you set SMART goals you want to set up your goals in 3 steps. You first set up outcome goals (end goals); from there you set the most important goals (in my opinion). You will set performance goals (week to week) and process goals (daily). If you want to achieve success in 3 months, you must be willing to make yourself 1% better each day to achieve that end goal. You need to ask yourself what will I do and how will I do it? What will I do each day and each week to make sure I am getting one step closer to my end goal. When working with athletes, after we set up their outcome goal and go through the performance and process goals, I will take the outcome goals and never show it to my athletes until 3 months has passed. This allows them to only focus on their smaller goals. If they can always see their end goals, they might become discouraged, but if they focus on the smaller goals they have a better chance of succeeding and they will improve in performance. I promise! For more detail about goal setting, contact me today and set up a meeting.

CrossFit is Special for Many Reasons

"CrossFit is special because it does not focus on one idea of fitness. It punishes the specialist and exposes any weaknesses that we have as athletes by measuring and recording the performance of each and every workout." –Luan Nguyen from WOD Talk Magazine....a magazine for CrossFit created by CrossFitters!

This blog is a two part discussion based off the quote above. First part will be about the uniqueness of CrossFit; and the second part will discuss exposing your weaknesses.

Yes CrossFit is special...I am a strong believer behind it and how I train myself and others. We get stuck a lot of time in the same old routine. Which fine with me, it is better than sitting on your ass and doing nothing. But after a while your body gets use to that same old routine and doesn’t “grow” or become more fit. CrossFit allows your body or your fitness level to ever plateau because it constantly varies each day. “CrossFit is special because it does not focus on one idea of fitness.” This is completely true because it gathers the best type of fitness training and puts it all into one. But besides the different areas of fitness it collects, the community and support behind it is like no other (this is another topic that will be discussed later).

CrossFit will expose your weakness like no other. If you cannot do double unders, you cannot hide it!! Trust me. Ericcson's Deliberate Practice theory (1,000 hours or ten years = expert performance) talks about getting performers out of the area of practice that is not challenging to them (the restless development stage) and expose them to their weakness' and having them practice those specific areas. Athletes will never grow and improve in their performance if they do not work on their weaknesses. This is especially true in CrossFit, 2011 Fittest Man on Earth Rich Fronning, Jr fell to second place (or was out performed, up to you how you want to look at it) in the 2010 CrossFit games because in the last WOD the rope climb was a huge challenge for him. In the last year Fronning has been working on his weakness (the rope climb) to make sure he was ready for the challenge. Spend a little time everyday working on your weaknesses, but also don’t ignore what you are good at either…just make sure to not ignore your weaknesses or you may never get better. Working on our weakness' takes us out of our comfort zone, but it allows us to grow.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Air Squat

I have noticed a lot of talk among athletes about the squat. Everyone wants to know about going pass parallel, stopping at parallel, myth about too many squats being bad for your knees, old people shouldn't squat, etc. I will simply put it how I learned it...when you go to the bathroom, how do you get on the toilet? YOU SQUAT...that is why they call it 'popping a squat.' So YES teach it to everyone. Now the talk about stopping at parallel or going pass parallel. When studying for the CSCS the book says to stop at parallel. Every CSCS professional I have worked for and sport teams coach I have played for says go pass parallel. Here is what I think...go pass parallel!! When you squat to parallel you put a lot of stress or weight on the quad muscles, but once you go pass parallel you balance that weight on the quads and hamstrings. Too me this means more power and strength because you use more then one muscle group. Going pass parallel does not mean going extremely deep, unless you are flexible enough. It is important to go full range of motion (ROM). In my opinion it is important to go pass parallel in the squat as long as it is safe for the athlete.

Why do I have my athletes do air squats in the warm up (besides to warm up the hips)? When an athlete squats there is many things I can examine about that athlete. I learn a lot by watching my athletes do 8 reps to warm up. The air squat will tell me if they have any mobility issues, their core strength, soreness, coordination, lower body strength, injuries, flexibility, stability, how well they listen to coaching, how well I communicate with athlete and much much more. It is crazy to think that the squat is such a vital movement in exercise and LIFE. Haven't you ever noticed that toilets are lower to the you get full ROM in your squat!!

Fight Gone Bad 6-September 17, 2011

Come out and join CrossFit FTF as they help to raise funds for a good cause on September 17th from 9a-3p with a barbecue, vendors, and of course a little Fight Gone Bad!!!
Why are they doing Fight Gone Bad 6?  Every year they have participated so far, they have had a great turnout for this awesome event.  They members and the community know that they want to support our troops and of course our kids.  Each year the SportsGrant Foundation finds incredible causes to raise money for, and they put it out to us as affiliates to help them raise their goal.  This year, Camp Patriot, Special Operations Warriors Foundation and CrossFit Kids Camp will be benefited by this awesome endeavor.  We are looking to help out the best we can.

Heats will start at 9 AM and run every 20 minutes.  They will have approximately 5 people per heat.  They are asking for a donation of $10-20 for participants and $5-10 for spectators.  They will be providing a barbecue, a silent auction and some good times at FTF.  They love this event as it is the backbone of the CrossFit Community.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Who should be the better performer? The coach or the athlete?

One day as I was doing a WOD, during one of my 800m runs, I was thinking about my performance and asked myself why I coach? I know this might seem like a odd thing to do in a middle of a WOD, but while running it takes my mind off of the actual WOD and allows me to relax and prepare for the upcoming movements after the run. After asking myself, why do I coach? I thought about my WOD times compared to the athletes that I train. Sometimes my time is better, sometimes there time is better. Should I be upset that my athletes are beating me at certain WODs? HELL NO.

Yes, I think that it is important that I be good at what I do. What I do is not trying to be the best CrossFit athlete in the world; but being the best CrossFit coach and training my athletes to be the best. Yes, I believe it is important that I train hard and I do well. And I do. There are things that I can improve on in my performance, that is life, and I work on my weakness. It is also important that I never stop learning and I do the research to make myself and my athletes better. At the end of the day I am happy with my performance. But it is a great week if I am able to make one of my athletes a better performer. I train because I love to see others improve and succeed in life from something that I have taught them, by being there for them, supporting them during the bad and good days. That is why I coach.

Monday, September 5, 2011

So you think you cannot? Changing your mindset to ‘I CAN’

I will be hosting a sport psychology seminar at CrossFit FTF on Thursday, September 29th at 8:30pm. This event is free to the public. This is a six part series seminar and the first topic that will be discussed is self-confidence. The reason this is the first topic and not another mental skill such as goal setting, or attention control is because team FTF (CrossFit team that I am part of) really wanted to know more about this subject. The discussion will cover the substance of self-confidence and how to change that little voice in your head that says 'I cannot' to 'I can.' The seminar will cover how to effectively use different mental skills techniques to improve your self-confidence, followed by a Q & A session. Food and beverages will be provided.
Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right.  ~Henry Ford

349 N. Minnewawa
Clovis, CA 93612