21-15-9; 20 minute AMRAP; 5 rounds for time; filthy fifty; 3, 2, 1….GO! Your mind goes blank. This happens to many athletes before a MetCon because at times we worry so much about the outcome and not the process of the performance. It is important that athletes take the pre-WOD very important because this is the time that can enhance the results by how you mentally prepare. Athletes who tend to come out on top are not always the strongest, fastest, or most skilled, but truly understand the importance of the mental game. They have an edge over their opponents. I want you to try something next time you are about to do a WOD…look at the MetCon…ask yourself:
-What is my goal?
-What energy system is this MetCon targeting?
-How will I pace myself?
-What are my strengths, my weaknesses in this MetCon?
-Where is the best place to save energy?
-When can I make my best move to help my time?
Etc., begin to see yourself in the MetCon…the movements…the pain…your heart beat…take a deep breath and say, “Okay, I am ready.” Begin to experiment with the Pre-WOD…see what works best for you…to help you become more aware of the process and not fully focus on the end result…you can’t cross the river with one giant step…it takes stepping stones…one at a time…